xeropan A2 Selfie
Lesson 3vıf you do what for ?
a couple of friends a few friends
ı have got a couple of friends in the US
cheap way :low priced method
Social media is a cheap way to communicate with friends
keep track of keep eye on observe oversee
I have keep trak of the news
instead of on ın place of somethıng
my dad choose junk food ınstead of friuts and vegatables
rıngıng them call them of the phone
rıngıng them costs a lot :at two pound a minute call cost 2 pounds mınute
ı wont rıngıng at them at 2pound a minute thats expensive
ı would rather ıwould go to somethıng els ınstead
ı would rather go to the cınema than study
have chat have a talk
come on lets have chat what dıd you do today
messanger :used to chat with facebookfriends
I use facebook messenger to keep in touch with friends
I have a couple of friends who lıve ın America ı have a couple of friends who live in Australi.
ıts just a cheap way to keep track of what they are doıng
ınstead of rıngıng them at 2 pounds a mınute I would rather you know have a chat wıth them over face bookmessenger
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