19 Mayıs 2020 Salı

Xeropan Weather A2

 Lesson 5 Why do you like winter

Several:some fewerthan many (bırkac)
I have bought ceveral cherries

winter:season between autumn* sprıng
many people dont like winter

covered with snow dressed ın snow wrapped ın snow
The roof of  the house was covered with snow

holiday celebratory day,time off
some people work on holidays

Christmas celebrated 25-26 december
christmas is my favorite holiday

that breat is whole its not cut into pieces yet

get together gather (toplanmak buluşmak)
unfortunately we dont often get together

delicious: having a very good taste
this cake is delicious

party :social event for celebration
how was  the party last nıght

New years eve:last day of the year
where are you goıng on new years eve ?

There are  several reasons why I love winter
Firstyl ıt so beatiful when everythıng is covered with snow
Secondly there is my favorite holiday chirstmas
my whole family gets together the food is delicious
and we dont have to work for a week or two
fınally we have great parties on new years eye.

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